What better way to enjoy your pre-wedding 'meet & greet' session than sipping on a few cocktails with family & friends at the Uber cool Bonfire at the Continental Fire Company. I loved photographing Gage & Rory as they mingled in between guests and the many colorful cocktails too ('Mint-to-be Mojito', 'Love Potion', 'Altar-ed State'). And what better way to end all the cool, calm vibes than a 'Sundowner' photo-session on the shores of Lake Superior. TOTAL BLISS all around. CHEERS to everyone who added to this highly spirited gathering.
#MichiganWedding #HoughtonMichiganWedding #BonfireattheContinentalFireCompany #IndoorWeddingVenue #PreWeddingDrinks #PreWeddingPhotography