Out of all wedding venues I have photographed across the globe, never before has one so closely resembled a page taken out of a magical storybook. The cutest outhouses and Sauna room you will ever set your eyes upon, Red and Brown barns lined with pink flox flowers, and all this beauty engulfed with the infectious love and laughter of Gage & Rory. In a nutshell, this wedding encapsulates "Happiness is...."
Luxury restroom trailer @ Ceremony: Stenberg Brothers
Tents, decorations, and other rentals @ Ceremony + Reception: Superior Events
Caterer for Wedding + and Reception venue: Bonfire at the Continental Fire Co.
Wedding cake: Joe Heck @ Huron Mountain Bakery
Escort card artist: White and Kraft
My wedding ring artist: Arn Krebs Arts
Save-the-date artist: Fat Rabbit Designs
Wedding invitation artist: Coppia Creativa
#MichiganWeddingVenue #BonfireattheContinentalFireWeddingVenue #HoughtonMichigan #WeddingVenues #GayWeddings #LGBTQFriendlyweddingvenues #WeddingInspiration